Lumen accipe et imperti (Receive The Light And Pass It On).

The Wellington College Old Boys’ Association (WCOBA) is one of the strongest alumni organisations in New Zealand with 34,000 recorded Old Boys. With a thriving reunion and events programme, we are proud of the strong connection between the WCOBA and the Wellington College community.

Our current Old Boys come from a wide range of ages (from those who attended the school in the 1930s to those who graduated last year), backgrounds and interests. Their careers and achievements since they left the College have taken them all in different directions to the far reaches of the globe but through the WCOBA they are able to share and celebrate their association with Wellington College.

The WCOBA hosts regular functions and reunions which enable many of our Old Boys to keep in close contact with their friends from school – even 50 and 60 years since they left school. The Association focuses on encouraging all leavers to maintain links with the school and with one another.

The Association has an elected executive and many Old Boys have given distinguished service to the WCOBA Executive as members. The WCOBA contributes annually to scholarships for current students and provides financial assistance for school projects.

Every student who leaves Wellington College automatically becomes a member of the WCOBA. By becoming a Life Member, your subscription assists the Association’s endeavours to support the College, subsidise reunions and events and publish the annual WCOBA magazine, The Lampstand. Being a Life Member of the Old Boys’ Association provides many benefits including a membership certificate and Old Boys’ Lapel Pin, the annual Lampstand and special invitations to functions.

The WCOBA is your Association. We look forward to your participation in the life of the WCOBA. It is by making the effort to stay in touch we can all be sure that an education at Wellington College truly does last a lifetime.

WCOBA Executive 2024

Committee Members

Contact Old Boys

To maintain contact with the Old Boys, a register of names and addresses is kept at the College and requires constant updating. Any information regarding a change of address or the whereabouts or activities of any Old Boy is welcomed and should be forwarded to the Executive Officer, WCOBA by email.

Haven’t heard from us?

If you haven’t received a copy of the annual Lampstand Magazine, our eNewsletters or information about your cohort reunion, it means we don’t have a current email address for you. Please get in touch with us so we can send you the information.

Our Constitution

To view changes to our constitution click HERE.

Old Boys News

We love to keep the wider College community updated and appreciate hearing from our Old Boys. If you have news stories to share, please contact the WCOBA Office.

To read past digital Wellingtonian Magazines, click HERE.

E- Newsletters

Each quarter, we share regular updates and news via our eNewsletter. If you are not receiving these, it’s because we don’t have your email address. As we gradually move all communications to a digital format, it is important to ensure your email is recorded with us.

The Lampstand

Our annual magazine is issued in November/December each year in digital format. Should you wish to subscribe to a printed/posted copy, please contact the WCOBA.

‍Support our Archives: Preserving our history for future generations

The history of our school is a rich tapestry woven from generations of stories, achievements, and memories. Our Archives serve as a vital repository, safeguarding these invaluable records – from old photographs and memorabilia to yearbooks, personal stories, and more. These items not only honour our school’s past but also inspire future students by connecting them with the legacy that came before them.

However, maintaining and expanding our Archives requires ongoing support. With your help, we can continue to catalogue, digitize, and display these historical treasures, making them accessible to our community and ensuring their preservation for years to come.

How You Can Help:

Donate: Your financial support will directly fund archival materials, digitization projects, and preservation efforts.

Share Your Stories: Have a piece of school history to contribute? We welcome items and stories from Old Boys, family members, and friends of the school.

Volunteer: Join our team in preserving, organising, and cataloging these cherished records.

Together, let’s keep the spirit of our school alive for generations. Your support makes a lasting impact—thank you for helping us honor our past as we look toward the future.


If you are in the position to help support our team, you can make an online donation to our bank account. Account Number : 01-0505-0842393-00.

Individual Donors can claim a 33.33% tax credit for all donations over $5.00 when they submit their next tax return.