Accommodation, Transport & Travel

Accommodation: Options are selected at Step 5 of the Online Application. Most accommodation is within 45 minutes from school, in the same suburbs that our domestic students live in.

Travel: All international and domestic travel arrangements must be notified to school at the earliest convenience. We are happy to assist with transfers to and from student accommodation.

Contact Sibylle on +64 22 010 6240

  • Click the link to read about the shared holiday adventure of a student from Thailand, a student from China, and a student from Japan Our-South-Island-Trip

Designated Caregiver:

A Designated Caregiver is someone who is known to your family who accept responsibility for your welfare . This accommodation option can be selected on the online enrolment at step 11. Costs associated with this living arrangement are met by an agreement between the student’s parents and designated caregiver.


Homestay families support and care while you are away from home. You also benefit by learning about the New Zealand way of life. Homestay fees are $380 per week and includes your own room and three meals per day. Wellington College has its own homestay service and also partners with NZ Homestay.

All homestay families have been vetted by the New Zealand Police. The international staff support homestay families and their student to promote a happy positive relationship.

To find out more about living in a homestay family email Sibylle at

Living with a parent or immediate family member:

Some parents choose to rent accommodation in Wellington City so they can live and care for them while studying at Wellington College.

Students may not live alone, or in a private rental arrangement , even if they are over 18.

During school breaks students are not permitted to book and stay in private accommodation inside or outside of Wellington, even if they are over 18.


  • Students usually travel to school by school bus but many walk or cycle and some get dropped off by private vehicle. If travelling by bus, the student will pay their own bus-fare. Most homestays are within a 10-45 minute bus ride from school.

  • While attending Wellington College international students are not permitted to purchase or drive a private vehicle.

Working in NZ


  • If you are 16 years old or over, in year 12 or 13, and the school has received written permission from your parent or legal guardian you can apply for the work condition to be added to your visa. You must also have good attendance and be achieving your academic goals.

  • You can work up to 20 hours a week during the school year, and full-time in the Christmas and New Year holiday.

    Click on the image below for the minimum wage rates in NZ for 16 and over