The Arts

The College is known for its success in the Performing Arts and all students are encouraged to participate in the extensive extra-curricular Arts programme. For many activities, such as inhouse debating and junior drama, no previous experience is required and this is a chance to acquire new skills and interests. For other activities, such as Music groups, this is an opportunity for students to develop their talents.

Success in the Arts and the wide involvement of the student body, contributes significantly to the ethos of the school.

We welcome and look forward to your participation.

Contact Us

  • Jessie Cooper (LAL Arts),

    Liam Boyle (Director Performing Arts Academy),


Achievements in the Arts

In addition to the weekly assemblies, there are occasions where the College recognises and applauds the achievements of its students through the presentation of Blues, Honours badges or Merit certificates. This applies equally to all artistic activities. The Arts Director generally hears of such successes but there are some students who reach representative status outside the college’s domain, and we don’t know about it.

We need you to tell us about your achievements!

If you know of a Wellington College student (including yourself) who has participated in an external cultural event, please let Miss Cooper know.

More Opportunities

Public Speaking Opportunities

(see Mr. Smith for details – these are for Year 12-13 students)