Our Vision & Values
Founded in 1867, Wellington College is a modern school for 21st-century boys which values belonging and is connected to the past. We have a proud history of outstanding academic achievement and a record of national success in both sport and in the performing arts.
Our vision for our students is captured in our school motto Lumen accipe et imperti – Receive the light and pass it on. We enable students with knowledge, skills, and good character, fostering a lifelong committment to meaningful service and positive impact on society.
We do this through living our college values of Integrity, Manaakitanga, and Excellence. We believe that in order to develop a school of good character, we should do the right thing even when no one is watching, we should welcome, support, and encourage others in ways that enhances their mana, and we should do our best and strive to improve in everything we do.
Tiaho te ao, tiaho te ao mārama.
About Us
Of our 1850 students, approximately 200 identify as Māori. Some of these students have connections with Taranaki Whānui – Te Upoko o Te Ika, the Tangata Whenua of our area.
Our international student programme contributes to the diversity of our school community and generates additional funding for school projects and facilities on our beautiful, spacious city campus. Our international student programme adheres to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students, 2016.
Through our Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning) we collaborate with contributing primary schools and Wellington Girls’ College to develop approaches which support student wellbeing, culturally responsive practice and student agency in learning.
You can view the latest report about Wellington College from the Education Review Office here.
Thank you for your interest in Wellington College. We look forward to meeting you, making connections and working and learning together.