Wellington College is a state school. We receive Government funding which covers the basic requirements of our learning programme for domestic students. We are reliant on additional sources of funding to support our extensive programmes and maintain and develop outstanding facilities.
Fees and donations paid by parents cover the following areas for which there is either insufficient or no government funding.
You may choose to pay through the parent portal, direct credit, automatic payment, or through the Finance Office using cash or Eftpos. You may make your payment in one lump sum or spread your payments by term, monthly or fortnightly.
In 2024 we are requesting the following donations from Wellington College families:
All school donations are tax deductible.
Other School Costs
As part of providing a full programme of activities to meet curriculum requirements and enhance the curriculum for students at Wellington College, the school provides a range of resources and activities for which parents have made payments in the past. Rulings by the Ombudsman and the Inland Revenue Department have resulted in some new rules around how these costs must be described.
On the parent portal or your fees statement you will notice that some items are marked as “Voluntary Contribution” and others as “Optional”.