Guide to Reporting

At Wellington College we value working in partnership with whānau to support students. An important part of this is regularly reporting to parents about students’ academic progress.

Our reports provide a snapshot of student achievement and attitude, and we hope that they provide a starting point for meaningful conversations with your young person about their learning. Reports are an invitation to talk, and we encourage you to contact your young person’s tutor teacher or the relevant subject teacher if you wish to discuss any aspect of the report.

These reports provide valuable data for us to track student progress and engagement, and to intervene and provide support when it’s needed.

In addition to reports, Parent Teacher Interviews are held in Term 2, and Tutor Conferences are held in Term 3.

What information is included in the report?

Each report consists of two parts: Learning Attributes and Overall Progress.

It also includes attendance data.

Learning Attributes reflect how well the student is demonstrating the competencies required to be successful in their subjects.

Overall Progress reflects how the student is tracking towards success in the course. It provides an holistic teacher judgement of how the student is achieving at this time. It is important to remember that this is not a definitive comment on a student’s ability, but an indication of their progress at this moment and time.

Ready to Learn – The student arrives to class on time, prepared for the lesson with correct equipment and uniform

Engaged and focused in class
The student is on task, participates and contributes during lessons. They demonstrate effort.

Required work is completed
The student meets deadlines. Assignments, class work and homework are completed to a high standard.

Understands the learning material
The student demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the course content.

Consistently from nearly always to always. Very consistently hitting the mark.

Mostlygoing well apart from the odd occasion. Reasonably pleasing.

inconsistent, indicates some cause for concern.

Rarely unsatisfactory, very concerning.

> Exceeding the expected level
> Meeting the expected level
> Working towards the expected level
> Working below the expected level

You may notice a discrepancy between the overall attendance and individual subject attendance.

The overall attendance rate (at the top of the report) is your young person’s official attendance as reported to the Ministry of Education. Students are recorded as present when they are in class, or when they are out of class on an approved school activity such as a school trip, special assembly or work experience.

For the subject attendance, students are only counted as present when they are physically in class. Students are counted as absent when they are out of class for any reason, even if it is justified or school-based. This allows us to have a clearer picture of how often students are in class, and support them to balance their commitments as needed.

If a student is working towards NCEA, their report will also include information about their assessment results and progress towards qualifications.

When can I expect to recieve reports?

  • Senior students (and juniors who are in NCEA classes), will receive reports approximately every 5 weeks.

  • Junior students will receive reports approximately every 10 weeks.

All assessment results can be viewed in the parent section of the website under ‘My Child’s Record’ at any time.


You can contact us at any time to ask for progress information or clarifications.

If you wish to discuss overall progress, please contact your young person’s tutor teacher. Students can also speak to their Dean(s) for advice and guidance.

If your queries are related to a specific subject, please contact the subject teacher or Head of Department.

Please make a booking with one of our Careers Advisors if you would like to discuss your child’s future pathway optionsBook here

How can I see my young person’s results?

NCEA Results

Anytime students complete an NCEA assessment, the results will be published to the portal. These can be viewed at any time. You will also receive a weekly summary of any new results. NCEA progress is also included in the reports.

Please note that this will also include practice external assessments. These are what we call “formative” results and do not count for credits, but they are valuable to inform teachers and students about what learning may be needed before the final assessment takes place.

Junior Results

Anytime students complete an assessment, the results will be published to the portal. These can be viewed at any time. You will also receive a weekly summary of any new results.

What are some questions I can ask my child about their reports?

“What are you most proud of?”

“Is there anything in this report that you do not understand?”

“Does this report reflect your understanding in this subject?”

“Does this report reflect your effort in this subject?”

[Where there are differing levels reported between subjects] “Can you help me understand why these are so different?”

“What might you do differently?”