We design learning with students at the centre

Our Coll Curriculum framework helps us to prepare students for the demands of the 21st Century.

Developing every person’s potential: This may be the most important dimension of the 21st century view of personalising learning. The goal is not simply to find better ways to raise everyone’s “achievement” to an identical level or standard, but rather to support every person to develop their full potential.

We teach positive behaviour for learning

At Wellington College, we demonstrate positive behaviour that shows our Coll values and contributes to a school environment where students and staff can thrive. We recognise that each student comes with a story, and our goal is to support students through personalised learning, underpinned by high expectations, so that every learner can meet their academic aspirations.

  • Our staff train in restorative practices

  • We are engaged in ongoing professional learning around relational practices

As a school we know that consistent and timely attendance is an essential key to unlock student achievement and potential.

Therefore, we take this issue seriously, doing everything we can to work with students and whānau to ensure consistent attendance for all students.

Absences, Lates and Catch Up Time

  • If a student has 3 Lates (without a justified explanation) or 1 unexplained absence in the previous week, they will be required for a Catch Up Time on Friday after school.

How this works

  • Tutor Time (Tuesday), students will check their own attendance from the previous week (Mon-Fri) using the portal.
  • Students to contact the teacher of the class of any Lates (L) or Absence (?) if the student thinks there is a mistake or justified reason for lateness or absence. Must be completed by end of Wednesday
  • If teachers accepts the reason, the teacher makes change on the roll
  • Students with remaining three ‘L’ or one ‘?’ from the previous week (Mon-Fri) notified along with parents on Thursday they are required to attend a Catch Up Time, held after school on Friday that week


  • If parents contact with justified reason saying the student cannot attend the Friday Catch Up Time, another time will be provided
  • Lates will still be marked as L, but a note will be attached if this is for a justified reason
  • Parents will be notified at the end of Period 1 by the Attendance Officer if their child is marked absent.

Signing in/out

  • Any student arriving after 9:10am will sign in at Reception then go to class where teacher will change attendance accordingly
  • Year 9-11 will not leave school grounds at any point in the day, without signing out for a justified reason, usually indicated by the parents. They must have a Leave Pass.
  • Year 12 and 13 are able to leave school grounds at lunchtime, and are not required to sign out
  • Year 13 students may leave school grounds if they have a study period. They must sign out and back in when returning, for Health and Safety reasons.
  • Only Year 13 students who have signed out with a Leave Pass may leave school grounds during the day on a scooter
  • Year 13 students who have study Period 1 may choose to not come in for tutor time, unless the tutor teacher requests their attendance. All students must attend Wednesday COLL Time.

We are a restorative school

We understand that every student is on a different learning journey and so it is essential we have a clear process that guides teachers and students through classroom incidents from minor disruption, to more serious misconduct. We follow the principles of restorative practice that requires students to ‘make it right’ when they have not followed classroom and school guidelines. We all have a part to play in learning from our mistakes.

The restorative process focuses on relationships, helps to deal with conflict in a constructive way, gives everyone a chance to be heard, and helps all engage in real conversation about the impacts of behaviour.

How it works

  • Tell the story: What happened?
  • Explore the harm: Who has been affected?
  • Repair the harm: How do we put things right?
  • Move forward: How do we make sure it doesn’t happen again?

Consequences still exist, students are given the chance to connect their behaviour with the consequence.

If the behaviour keeps occurring, it will be addressed differently

The restorative process requires both parties to engage. If a student doesn’t engage in the restorative process (for example, they won’t own the behaviour, or see the impact of their actions etc.) then it will be addressed in a different way.

Wellington College