Message from Tū Tamatoa – Te Wiki o te Reo Māori at WC
September 9, 2023
Tū Tamatoa, our ākonga Māori rōpū, have organised a week of events to celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori at WC. Keep reading to find out more!
Ko tōu reo
Ko tōku reo
Te tuakiri tangata
Tihei nakonako
Your Voice
My voice
It is an expression of identity
Behold, the message and the messenger
Tēnā rā koutou.
Next week is Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, and Tū Tamatoa are very excited about what they have organised for next week.
We start the week with a flag raising ceremony on Monday morning at 8:15am at the flagpole. Followed by some tea and biscuits in the pavillion. It would be awesome to see lots of whānau there, everyone is welcome (please note that there is no parking available on site).
Then we have a staff vs student debate in the library on Tuesday at lunchtime. It is always well attended every year and promises to be a very entertaining debate.
On Wednesday lunchtime we have a sausage sizzle, but instead of a $2 donation, we hope to see all the boys getting out and using Te Reo Māori, which will be the koha for a sausage. The video is linked below for what to say, please learn this and be prepared on the day.
Then on Thursday lunchtime we have a Tū Tamatoa vs TAB Ki-O-Rahi game down on the No.1 field. This will be a thoroughly fast paced and fun game, and if you don’t know what Ki-O-Rahi is or how to play, come down and see for yourself.
But above all, it would be awesome if everyone can use the Reo that you know throughout the week wherever you can. Tēnei te mihi ki a koutou!