NCEA Co-Requisite Assessments – Whānau information evening
July 10, 2024

We are holding an information evening about the upcoming Literacy and Numeracy Co-Requisite Assessments for Year 10 students.
There have been some recent changes to NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement). As part of these changes, compulsory Literacy and Numeracy assessments have been introduced.
From 2024 onwards, in order for students to gain an NCEA qualification (NCEA Level 1, 2, or 3), they will need to pass two Literacy assessments (Reading and Writing) and one Numeracy assessment. Please note that most of our senior students (Year 12 and 13) have already met these requirements.
These changes are designed to ensure that high school students graduate with strong foundations in literacy and numeracy. The co-requisites are assessed DIGITALLY, in an exam-type format called a Common Assessment Activity (CAA).
Our current Year 10 students will be sitting the Reading and Numeracy tests in September, along with any Y11 students who were not successful in 2023.
We are holding an information evening for whānau on Wednesday 7 August at 6pm in the AGC. We will explain the format of the tests, what students are required to do in the tests, and how they can prepare. This presentation is aimed at any parent who has a child sitting the co-requisites in the next 1 – 2 years.
To help us gauge numbers, please register your interest here. In this form you can also let us know if you have any particular questions you would like us to address during the presentation.
We hope to see you there!