He Waka Taukaea – Collaboration with Victoria University
May 1, 2023

The launch of Te He Waka Taukaea was held at VUW on Monday 13 March 2023
Te He Waka Taukaea is a pilot and leading-edge initiative that is focused on collaborative projects between Victoria University of Wellington and secondary schools in the wider Wellington region.
Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington are keen that students in the region see the university as their university. Wellington College is the first signee to the memorandum of understanding pertaining to this pilot. The aim is to work collaboratively with the university and other schools to identify streams of work/courses/events that add value to all parties and enable kahui ako – a community of learning and establish equity in opportunity for all students across our region.
Watch this space for upcoming projects and activities. Cushla Thompson (Mathematics, WC) is already delivering Scholarship Calculus sessions at the VUW’s Rutherford House. Over 80 students from an array of schools have been attending these sessions on Saturday afternoons.
The launch was attended by Wellington Mayor, Tori Whanau.