Are you the next Student Rep on the WC Board??
August 28, 2023

Nominations for the 2023-2024 student representative on our school board are now open!!
A nomination form can be found here and is also available from the school office. Nominations close at noon at 4pm on Tuesday 5 September 2023.
Please email completed nomination forms to or drop off at Miss Shakespeare’s office (next to the Headmaster).
Following the closing date, all candidates will be given the opportunity to provide a candidate statement and video, which will be made available to the student body.
All current, full-time students in Year 9 and above are entitled to nominate, stand as a candidate, and vote in the student elections. Eligible students may nominate themselves or be nominated by another eligible student.
Voting will be held during tutor time on Thursday 14 September 2023 via Google Form.
Further information on being the Student Representative
As a board member, the student representative will:
· learn new skills
· have their say on important issues
· make a positive contribution to their school and community.
· Influence the future of their school
· Gain valuable knowledge and experience for their future, which will look great on your CV.
The idea of being a young person on a school board might seem daunting, but student representatives get plenty of help and support to learn about and fulfil their role. The New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) provides training and learning opportunities, guidance and resources.
Please talk to the returning officer if you have questions.
Claire Shakespeare, Returning Officer
Email:, ph (04) 802 2523